\n \n


\n \n We’re looking for passionate software engineering students to join the microapps gang\n for 12 month terms. We want someone who loves clean code, TDD, and pair programming. If\n you spend your spare time on open source projects, keep up to date on the latest\n developments and techniques, and love to hack on cool new projects just for fun, then\n keep reading!\n \n \n Do you hack on your own projects? Attend monthly meet ups? Build at Hackathons?\n Contribute to open source projects? If you do, tell us about it!\n \n

Teams you could work on:

    \n MoonMail and MONEI API\n iOS and Android teams for both MoonMail or MONEI\n Security\n Data + Analytics\n Support + Apps\n Financial Operations\n Growth\n Site Reliability\n Data engineering\n Marketing\n User Onboarding\n
\n \n We’re already working and accepting internships with{' '}\n \n IAESTE\n \n , The International Association for Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. So if\n you don’t know where to go in your University, look for someone in charge of IAESTE in\n your area and they will definitely help you.\n \n \n We prefer students in their last year of University and with lots of interest in staying\n at microapps after finishing their internship.\n \n \n Schooling and 100 years of experience is not a requirement here at microapps. We feel\n that the best way to get experience and knowledge is not always in the typical\n classroom, but through practical experience, toil and passion. We pride ourselves in\n hiring motivated and creative individuals that truly love what they do. If you love code\n and want to work in a relaxed, open development environment, come join microapps!\n \n \n If you’re interested in any of the above positions, please send an email to{' '}\n hi@microapps.com with your C/V, GitHub username\n and Stack Overflow username.\n \n \n Coming from out of town? No worries! We’ll cover your roundtrip travel at the beginning\n and end of the term.\n \n \n *We typically receive 200+ students resumes each month, but we respond to every\n application! If you have a strict timeline greater than 3-4 weeks (other offer, Co-op\n program deadlines, etc), let us know in your cover letter and we’ll do our best to\n respond to you quickly.\n \n \n If you end up being part of our in-house scholarship holder team, you get from us:\n \n
    \n \n A highly motivated and talented team where you can learn a lot from\n \n Flexible timetable\n Create your own workstation with any type of equipment\n Snacks and drinks in the office\n \n Flat organizational structure that ensures your influence on products we build\n \n \n A beach 1 minute from work. Yes! We’re in front of the beach!!\n \n
\n );\n};\n\nexport default Careers;\n\nexport const query = graphql`\n query($language: String!) {\n locales: allLocale(filter: {ns: {in: [\"common\", \"internships\"]}, language: {eq: $language}}) {\n edges {\n node {\n ns\n data\n language\n }\n }\n }\n }\n`;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}